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7 Most Obvious Disadvantages of Job Description

Just like the two sides of a coin, a job description comes with advantages, as well as disadvantages. Honestly speaking, job descriptions require a certain dedication and not everyone can write a perfect JD.In the previous articles, we have discussed all the positive aspects of a JD like its importance and advantages, but that’s not the end.  No topic is complete without discussing the downsides. 
In this article, you are going to find out why job descriptions are oftentimes considered disadvantageous.In case you are looking for advantages of a JD or the importance of job descriptions, read our previous articles.

Disadvantages of job descriptions-

1. Job description misses out on several things

Yes, it’s true. Job descriptions frequently leave out several important things like emotional requirements, minute details related to the job, and many other things. Since JDs have to cover most of the details in a few pages, it gets difficult to take into consideration the seemingly minute details, which obviously are of considerable importance. 

2. It is time-bound

This is also true. Change is inevitable, and a JD is no exception. However, these time-bound changes require the job description to be changed thoroughly. Some of the factors affecting this include the organizational structure, compensation, industry standards, company requirements, etc.

3. It is liable to misinterpretation

Keeping in mind the fact that JDs miss out on crucial information, they often get misinterpreted by the candidate. This creates confusion and gives rise to miscommunication. It creates problems sooner or later and ultimately creates a barrier between the employer and the potential employee. As a result, both parties remain misguided and this creates tension.

4. JD is sometimes rigid

Since they are official documents, it takes a longer time to see the changes. The truth is, most JDs are rather rigid and leave little or no room for flexibility. This is in contrast with the ever-changing tech-savvy world, where change is just one tap away. JDs, on the other hand, are inflexible.

5. JD is redundant when it comes to higher positions

People in the corporate world believe that job description becomes redundant when it comes to higher positions. This is because senior authorities are responsible for performing a multitude of tasks and making decisions on the go. Their role is so vast that a JD is unable to encompass all of them. This is why it becomes redundant for higher positions.

6. Job description gets outdated due to slight changes

This is true because one minute change here leads to several small changes elsewhere. Overall, one small change can make the whole document outdated. For example, if there is a change in the job role, every other thing that is directly or indirectly connected to it will ultimately change, thus making the whole document of no use.

7. It is oftentimes unoptimized

The care and precision with which a job description is written tell a lot about the company and the people who wrote it. It is also true that not everyone is an expert. Therefore, JDs are affected by personal biases and choice of words. 


Disadvantages interestingly play an important role in making something better. In this case, a JD can only be improved if all the drawbacks are known correctly. Therefore, just like advantages, disadvantages show at what places the improvement can take place.

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