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How to Respectfully Decline One Job Offer For Another – Sample Email and Phone Script!


Congratulations! Landing multiple job offers shows your talent and hard work paying off. However, now comes the challenging part – deciding how to respectfully decline one offer while keeping your professional reputation intact. It’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension, but fear not!We’ll help you with that!


We understand that making this decision can be tough. You’ve invested time and effort in the interview process, and the thought of letting down a hiring committee with which you’ve built rapport can feel uncomfortable. It’s okay to experience some guilt or nervousness about the choice you’re about to make.
But remember, you’re not alone in this. Many professionals encounter this situation at some point in their careers, and it’s essential to handle it with poise and professionalism.

So, let’s learn how to decline a job offer for another!


How to respectfully decline a Job Offer for another?

  • Step 1 – Consider Your Options and Be Prompt

Before turning down a job offer, take some time to think. Ask yourself if you want to decline the offer and expect to get a better one. Making a list of reasons can help you feel more confident in your decision. Once you’ve made up your mind, don’t delay in responding.Being punctual is important because the employer has invested time and effort in hiring. If you handle the situation well, you might keep the door open for future opportunities.

  • Step 2 – Choose How to Communicate

Decide how you’ll convey your decision. You can do it through an email or a phone call. While email might seem easier, employers often appreciate a call as it shows initiative and confidence. It might be a bit nerve-wracking, but it’s a more professional and rewarding option in the long run.

  • Step 3 – Express Gratitude

Remember, the employer has invested time in getting to know you and your skills. A simple thank you can go a long way. Whether you express gratitude over the phone or in an email, appreciate the hiring manager’s efforts.

They have spent hours reviewing your resume, conducting interviews, and possibly advocating for you within their company. If you had a personal connection during the process, mentioning it in your appreciation is a nice touch. This shows that you valued the interaction and the opportunity they provided.

  • Step 4 – Explain Your Reason(s)

Telling the interviewer why you’re turning down the job offer is essential. You can’t simply say no without a reason. Just like you’d want to know why a potential employer rejected you, they also deserve an explanation.

You don’t have to go into too much detail, but being clear and straightforward is essential.

Here are some reasons –

  • Found a Better Job Offer – If you have a more suitable offer with better career growth or salary, it’s okay to say, “After careful thought, I’ve decided to go with another employer. They offered a better opportunity for my skills and needs.”
  • Salary Not Up to Standard – If the salary isn’t what you expected, you can say, “Thank you for considering my salary expectations. After thinking it over, the offered amount doesn’t meet my financial requirements.”
  • Not Interested in the Job – If you feel the job isn’t what you wanted, be honest, and say, “I believe this position doesn’t align with my career path” or “My skills and background aren’t the right fit for this job.”
  • Not Interested in the Company – If you don’t like the company culture or how things are run, you can respond politely with, “After careful consideration, I feel I’m not the right fit for this role.”
  • Lack of Flexibility or Long Commute – If you need more flexibility in working hours or the commute is too long, you can say, “I’m looking for a job with more flexible working hours,” or “The commute for this opportunity would be too long, and I seek a better work-life balance.”

Remember, it’s essential to be respectful and considerate in your response. You don’t want to offend the employer or burn any bridges for future opportunities.

  • Step 5 – Check and Prepare 

Before sending your rejection, make sure to proofread your message carefully. You don’t want to spoil it with grammar mistakes. If you do it over the phone, practice what you’ll say, maybe even with a colleague. If you’re emailing, double-check all names and details.

  • Step 6 – Keep the Connection 

End positive and keep them as a contact for future networking. It might be helpful for your future career. You can suggest meeting at a work convention or simply wish them well and say, “I hope you find success in your future endeavors.” Ask them to update you on any relevant opportunities in the future.Connecting on social media is a good idea in today’s world. It could benefit you and your friends. If you know someone with similar career interests, you can refer them to the interviewer.

  • Step 7 – Be Firm in Your Decision 

Some companies might persist and try to entice you with better offers. Stay strong in your choice. Politely thank them for the offer but firmly stick to your decision. You can say, “Thank you for your generous offer, but I believe the other offer is a better fit for me,” or “I appreciate your callback, but the role doesn’t align with my current career goals.” Stay true to what you feel is right for your future.


Sample Email/Phone Script

Dear [Hiring manager’s name],

I hope this message finds you in good health. I greatly appreciate the offer for the [position] role at [company name].

However, after a thoughtful reflection, I have decided to decline the offer. The reason is that [mention the reason].

Thank you for your consideration and valuable time. Wishing you success in finding the ideal candidate for the role. I look forward to the possibility of our paths crossing again someday.

Best regards, [Your name]


Following these steps and using the examples, you can respectfully decline a job offer without damaging relationships. You’ll leave the possibility open for future opportunities with the employer. Just ensure you are completely sure of your decision before communicating it. Remember, once you decline, the employer may move on to other candidates, so ensure everything is finalized for your chosen position.

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