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How to Use Technology to Improve the Recruitment Process?

Technology has revolutionized the way we approach almost every aspect of our lives, and the hiring process is no exception. Employers can now use various technology to improve recruitment process and make it more efficient, streamlined, and data-driven. From automating communication with candidates to using AI-powered screening tools, technology can help employers find and hire […]

How to Use Technology to Improve the Recruitment Process? Read More »

What is the Difference Between Recruitment and Talent Acquisition? What Should Companies Choose?

Organizations and their respective hiring managers often get confused between recruitment and talent acquisition. Both of them are different and the latter one is being given more preference lately. Why is it so? What makes talent acquisition and recruitment different? How is one more profitable than the other in the long run? You will find

What is the Difference Between Recruitment and Talent Acquisition? What Should Companies Choose? Read More »